All Hallow’s Eve aka Happy Halloween ☠️💫💀 Celebrate Samhain. The Veil between this world & the afterlife is at the thinnest point. #halloween2020 #samhain #endofsummer #endoftheharvest #ancestorsspeak #ancestors #theveilisthinnest #spiritworld #honorthedead #guidethespirits #magick #candlemagick #herbsandspices #pagantraditions #pagansofinstagram #otherworld #bonfirenight #wicca #wiccansofinstagram #Sabbats #thinnestveil

All Hallow’s Eve aka Happy Halloween ☠️💫💀 Celebrate Samhain. The Veil between this world & the afterlife is at the thinnest point. #halloween2020 #samhain #endofsummer #endoftheharvest #ancestorsspeak #ancestors #theveilisthinnest #spiritworld #honorthedead #guidethespirits #magick #candlemagick #herbsandspices #pagantraditions #pagansofinstagram #otherworld #bonfirenight #wicca #wiccansofinstagram #Sabbats #thinnestveil

By |October 30th, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. This is scariest thing than Halloween! #retrograde #mercuryretrograde #movingbackwards #planetclosesttothesun #chaos #communationbreakdown #havoc #signnothing #endsnovember20

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio. This is scariest thing than Halloween! #retrograde #mercuryretrograde #movingbackwards #planetclosesttothesun #chaos #communationbreakdown #havoc #signnothing #endsnovember20

By |October 30th, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments

Every Woman take note. #queens #hippie #sailor #gypsy #gypsychic #gypsysisters #garden #greenwitch #witchythings #warrior #womenwarriors

Every Woman take note. #queens #hippie #sailor #gypsy #gypsychic #gypsysisters #garden #greenwitch #witchythings #warrior #womenwarriors

By |October 28th, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments

They will always tell you if you listen. #animalcommunicator #animalcommunication #animallovers #listen #telepathy #sevensense

They will always tell you if you listen. #animalcommunicator #animalcommunication #animallovers #listen #telepathy #sevensense

By |October 22nd, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments

This cat is a Jerk! Silas opened up a mostly filled catnip jar. He is blaming the full moon. He is so stoned & I have to try to get the little bits of leaves out of shag carpet #fml . #stonercat #catniphigh #catnipeverywhere #thejerk #catslifestyle #cats_of_instagram #minipanther #blackcatsofinstagram #blackcat #feastofthehuntersmoon #fullmoon #meow #crazycatlover #crazycat #crazyblackcat #stilllovethejerk

This cat is a Jerk! Silas opened up a mostly filled catnip jar. He is blaming the full moon. He is so stoned & I have to try to get the little bits of leaves out of shag carpet #fml . #stonercat #catniphigh #catnipeverywhere #thejerk #catslifestyle #cats_of_instagram #minipanther #blackcatsofinstagram #blackcat #feastofthehuntersmoon #fullmoon #meow #crazycatlover #crazycat #crazyblackcat #stilllovethejerk

By |October 13th, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments

#truth #theonesyouthoughyoucouldtrust #humanrace #donteatbabies #peoplesucksometimes #keepthematarmslength #monsters

#truth #theonesyouthoughyoucouldtrust #humanrace #donteatbabies #peoplesucksometimes #keepthematarmslength #monsters

By |October 7th, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments

When you eat all this you have no right to complain you swelled up like the Pult Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. #katzdeli #GentrifiedNYC #nyc #tourguideforaday #pastramisandwich #cornbeefsandwich #pickles #newyorkcity #myfeetarekillingme

When you eat all this you have no right to complain you swelled up like the Pult Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. #katzdeli #GentrifiedNYC #nyc #tourguideforaday #pastramisandwich #cornbeefsandwich #pickles #newyorkcity #myfeetarekillingme

By |September 20th, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments

The man that started financial infrastructure aka First Bank of The USA..If he was alive today he would have shot himself if he knew what the banking system is doing to American people. #federalist #hamilton #alexanderhamilton #weehawkennj #foundingfatheroftheunitedstates ##ussconstitution

The man that started financial infrastructure aka First Bank of The USA..If he was alive today he would have shot himself if he knew what the banking system is doing to American people. #federalist #hamilton #alexanderhamilton #weehawkennj #foundingfatheroftheunitedstates ##ussconstitution

By |September 20th, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments
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