Good bye 2019 you won’t be missed. Hello 2020 can’t come quick enough!!#unicornfist #myunicornfist #crazybitchproblems #goodbye2019 #hello2020❤️ #newyearseve #byebye #newbeginningsahead #newbeginnings

Good bye 2019 you won’t be missed. Hello 2020 can’t come quick enough!!#unicornfist #myunicornfist #crazybitchproblems #goodbye2019 #hello2020❤️ #newyearseve #byebye #newbeginningsahead #newbeginnings

By |December 31st, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments

End of an era..Good bye Barney’s. This is the New NewYork. Not my NYC anymore. #uniquegifts #greatshoes #Celebritysightings #barneysnewyork #anothericonstoreisgone #nyc #byebye #unique #fabdesigners

End of an era..Good bye Barney’s. This is the New NewYork. Not my NYC anymore. #uniquegifts #greatshoes #Celebritysightings #barneysnewyork #anothericonstoreisgone #nyc #byebye #unique #fabdesigners

By |December 13th, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments
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