Gray Catbird Singing this morning. It is was so loud it made come to the window. #mybackyard #graycatbird #mybackyardview #naturelovers #nature #whatareyousaying #bird #birdsofinstagram #singing #mulberrytree #birdsong #sunnyday #quarantinelife #quarantineandchill #quarantine #lifeitself #peaceful #peace #loveislove

Gray Catbird Singing this morning. It is was so loud it made come to the window. #mybackyard #graycatbird #mybackyardview #naturelovers #nature #whatareyousaying #bird #birdsofinstagram #singing #mulberrytree #birdsong #sunnyday #quarantinelife #quarantineandchill #quarantine #lifeitself #peaceful #peace #loveislove

Afternoon snow in the 2nd week in May. Mother Nature is as confused as humans what season, month or day it is now except today is not like every other Groundhog Day. #quarantine #maysnow #may9th #mothernature #snow #springtime #mapletree #corona #quarantinelife #outthewindow #nyc #seasons #whatdayisit #overit #reopenamerica #snowsquall

Afternoon snow in the 2nd week in May. Mother Nature is as confused as humans what season, month or day it is now except today is not like every other Groundhog Day. #quarantine #maysnow #may9th #mothernature #snow #springtime #mapletree #corona #quarantinelife #outthewindow #nyc #seasons #whatdayisit #overit #reopenamerica #snowsquall

WTF it is snowing here!! #Maysnow #may9th #crazy2020 #snowinmay #wtfisthis #almostsummertime☀️ #stopthemadness #quarantine #coronavirus #lockdown2020 #lockdownlife #quarantinesnow

WTF it is snowing here!! #Maysnow #may9th #crazy2020 #snowinmay #wtfisthis #almostsummertime☀️ #stopthemadness #quarantine #coronavirus #lockdown2020 #lockdownlife #quarantinesnow

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