Super Flower Full Moon presents with the opportunity to reflect and bring some good into our lives. The moon holds strong feminine energy as it reflects light from the sun. Your Guardian Angel can guide you towards harnessing the power of the super moon. Nature is celebrating the joyous and lighthearted appearance of life with lush green leaves, rosebuds, lighthearted butterflies determined honey bees and new beginnings. The Flower Moon is about love, laughter, celebration and pleasure. #Meditate #thoughtful #SupermoonMay2020 #last2020 #Mayflowers #FullmoonMay #FlowerMoon #Nature #feminine #feminineenergy #GuardianAngel #Springflowers #SuperMoon #power #Joy #newbeginnings #wisdom #intuition #birth #reincarnationand #spiritualconnection #spiritual #celebrate #love

Super Flower Full Moon presents with the opportunity to reflect and bring some good into our lives. The moon holds strong feminine energy as it reflects light from the sun. Your Guardian Angel can guide you towards harnessing the power of the super moon. Nature is celebrating the joyous and lighthearted appearance of life with lush green leaves, rosebuds, lighthearted butterflies determined honey bees and new beginnings. The Flower Moon is about love, laughter, celebration and pleasure. #Meditate #thoughtful #SupermoonMay2020 #last2020 #Mayflowers #FullmoonMay #FlowerMoon #Nature #feminine #feminineenergy #GuardianAngel #Springflowers #SuperMoon #power #Joy #newbeginnings #wisdom #intuition #birth #reincarnationand #spiritualconnection #spiritual #celebrate #love

Happy Spring!!! Under the energy of the March Equinox, we are being called to create balance within ourselves and around the world. We are each being called to find our center, and to restore equilibrium to our mind, body, and soul.#happyspring #reset #restore #balance #energy #energyhealing #mindfulness #mindbodysoul #marchequinox #newbeginnings #spring #newbeginnings

Happy Spring!!! Under the energy of the March Equinox, we are being called to create balance within ourselves and around the world. We are each being called to find our center, and to restore equilibrium to our mind, body, and soul.#happyspring #reset #restore #balance #energy #energyhealing #mindfulness #mindbodysoul #marchequinox #newbeginnings #spring #newbeginnings

By |March 20th, 2020|Instagram|0 Comments

Happy New Year!! We are out of our pimply & awkward teen years and heading for our who gives a shit & get moving 20’s!!! #FU2019 #welcome2020 #happynewyears #newbeginnings #hello2020 #decade #crazybitchproblems #itisgoingtobefun #outwiththeoldinwiththenew

Happy New Year!! We are out of our pimply & awkward teen years and heading for our who gives a shit & get moving 20’s!!! #FU2019 #welcome2020 #happynewyears #newbeginnings #hello2020 #decade #crazybitchproblems #itisgoingtobefun #outwiththeoldinwiththenew

By |January 1st, 2020|Instagram|0 Comments

Good bye 2019 you won’t be missed. Hello 2020 can’t come quick enough!!#unicornfist #myunicornfist #crazybitchproblems #goodbye2019 #hello2020❤️ #newyearseve #byebye #newbeginningsahead #newbeginnings

Good bye 2019 you won’t be missed. Hello 2020 can’t come quick enough!!#unicornfist #myunicornfist #crazybitchproblems #goodbye2019 #hello2020❤️ #newyearseve #byebye #newbeginningsahead #newbeginnings

By |December 31st, 2019|Instagram|0 Comments
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